
No Member may serve on the Selection Committee if they have served on the Selection Committee in any of the last three (3) elections.

5. The members of the Selection Committee will all participate in the discussions of the Selection Committee, and they shall select a chairman of the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will be responsible for the comprehensive review of all applicants for the Nominating Committee and selection of nine (9) individuals who view the interests of the community as paramount, and the Selection Committee shall strive to select a Nominating Committee that reflects the diversity of the community, including age and gender, skills, talent, and experiences. At least three (3) alternates for the Nominating Committee will be identified in the event an individual declines or must resign the appointment, and the alternate members of the Nominating Committee shall be listed by the Selection Committee numerically and shall serve as alternates in order of numerical priority. The members of the Nominating Committee shall be selected and announced by December 22 each year. 6. The members of the Selection Committee must execute a binding non disclosure agreement protecting the confidentiality of the selection processes and discussions for the selection of the members of the Nominating Committee.

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