Bistro 19 Dinner Menu
SOUPS AND APPETIZERS H EIRLOOM T OMATOES AND F RESH B URRATA C HEESE drizzled with aged fig balsamic reduction and olive oil Z UPPA DI P OMODORO A B ASILICO tomato and basil soup T USCAN S ALAD arugula, olive relish, roasted tomatoes shaved parmesan, ricotta crostini B LISTERED S HISHITO P EPPER T OAST parmigiano reggiano cheese age balsamic and pesto F RENCHMAN ’ S C REEK C AESAR table side romaine, croutons, home made dressing and shaved parmesan Y OUSRY ’ S K ALE S UMMER S ALAD tuscan kale, hearts of palm, goat cheese avocado, chickpeas, passion fruit vinaigrette gf M EDITERRANEAN S ALAD mozzarella de buffalo, feta, arugula cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, olives shaved onions in olive oil with lemon vinaigrette TODAY ’ S SPECIALS R OSEMARY G ARLIC C HICKEN P ARMESAN spaghetti marinara and burrata L OBSTER N UGGETS
Bistro 19
SIGNATURE DISHES gf B ISTRO 19 C RAB C AKE charred sweet corn succotash and blistered tomatoes C HICKEN F IORENTINA fontina cheese, parma prosciutto spinach orzo, tarragon sauce gf S LOW B RAISED B EEF S HORT R IB crispy lemon brussels sprouts lemon garlic mashed potatoes and port wine jus gf B RONZINO A L A P LANCHA brown butter, parsnip purée, asparagus upland cress - citrus - fennel salad and shaved ricotta salata cheese gf 14 OZ . C REEKSTONE F ARMS N EW Y ORK S TEAK truffle mashed potato, ratatouille and bordelaise sauce gf M ACADAMIA C RUSTED L AMB C HOPS risotto primavera, micromint salad florida citrus vinaigrette S IMPLE G RILLED V EAL C HOP german fried potatoes, creamed spinach L INGUINE C LAMS D UO baby clams, clam meat with linguini fresh garlic white wine sauce gf H ERB C RUSTED F LORIDA F RESH Y ELLOW T AIL S NAPPER prosecco, lemon sundried tomato risotto
herb crusted lobster meat with cauliflower lemon rice parmesan cream sauce
C ONSUMER A DVISORY G UIDANCE Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. There is risk associated with consuming raw oysters. If you have chronic illness of the liver, stomach or blood or have immune disorder, you are at greater risk of serious illness from raw oysters, and should eat oysters fully cooked.
gf gluten free
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