Birds of Frenchmans Creek_Guidebook and Checklist_2020

Magnificent Frigatebirds soar along the coast in the southern United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean staying near water. They tend to take flight later in the afternoon when winds and thermals are greatest, helping keep them aloft. Look for their long and angular wings and slender silhouettes.

American Kestrels occupy habitats ranging from deserts and grasslands to alpine meadows. You’re most likely to see them perching on telephone wires along roadsides, in open country with short vegetation and few trees.

The mallard is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa and has been introduced to New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colom- bia, the Falkland Islands, and South Africa.

Mottled Ducks are usually found in fresh or brackish ponds adjacent to coast rather than in salt marsh. A close relative of the Mallard, the Mottled Duck is the only dabbling duck specialized for nesting in southern marshes, far to the south of most of its relatives.

These birds prefer open land with scattering of trees and shrubs for cover and nesting. Except for wetland and dense forest, mourning doves can be found most anywhere. They are one of the most widespread and adaptable North American birds.

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