Ad Hoc Committees (Reports on Pages 8 — 10)


Brett Handler, Chairperson Ted David, Vice - Chairperson

Adele Fine Patricia Fisher

Sandi Hoffman David Sherman

In anticipation of the upcoming capital improve- ment project to replace our current clubhouse, the Board formed the Ad Hoc Alternative Facilities Committee to replace the physical functions cur- rently provided in our current clubhouse. The Committee worked with Management and Staff to determine the needs of the club and the personnel. The Committee then researched various locations and types of facilities that could be created. In the end, the Board of Governors chose to utilize the area currently known as the pickle ball courts on the northern side of the clubhouse campus. The ar- ea was later expanded to include the basketball court and added the area known as tennis court #14. Additional areas impacted are the Golf Café, Former Sales Office, and the Oceanview United Methodist Church. A revised site plan was created by our profession- als with guidance from our management team. The site plan has just been approved by the City of Palm Beach Gardens and their various municipal agencies providing us with the permission to move forward on our alternative facilities project. Build- ing permits are in hand, and construction has been ongoing for the last several months. • Office space for over 50 of our management, staff and administration personnel. • Kitchen facilities to provide for all the take out, delivery, banquet, and daily meals for all the members and the employees. • Laundry facilities to equal the services current- ly provided which include all linen, staff, kitch- en and golf maintenance uniforms. When complete, the following will be in place:

• 8,700sf pavilion which will provide 6,700sf in- terior space equivalent to the main dining room completely open and able to seat approximately 3 - 400 people. • Storage for all food, drinks, alcohol and sup- plies to run the club on a daily basis.

• Bathroom, locker, and dining facilities for staff.

In addition to the structures, the following work will be done:

Upgrade FPL transformers;

• Install new fiber cable to the POA and security building; • Install sewer lines, providing grease traps to the new kitchen and laundry; • Build ADA handicap access to all the struc- tures; • At the request of the City, reconfiguring the east parking lot to accommodate delivery and emer- gency response vehicles up to 50 feet long; • Install 2 new fire hydrants; sidewalks, lighting; and

Install landscaping and irrigation.

The goal when complete, anticipated early summer, is that Frenchman ’ s Creek will not miss a beat in continuing to bring a 5 - Star experience to our members.

Brett Handler, Chairperson Ted Davis, Vice - Chairperson Alternative Facilities Ad Hoc Committee

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 8

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