2021-2024 Brochure.pub

Jon Barovick

It was never a question of if, but rather when, Jon, and his wife, Amy, would move to Frenchman’s Creek. Jon’s parents, Joan and Dick, were original homesteaders and Jon and Amy have been coming to Frenchman’s for about 30 years. In 2018 they be- came members. They still have an apartment in New York City but Frenchman’s Creek is their primary residence. Their three adult children now consider this home, having spent most vacations here growing up. Jeremy, Sam and Carly are all avid golf and tennis players. Jon has been a financial advisor and the head of a wealth management team at Mer-

rill Lynch for 14 years. Prior to that he worked at Smith Barney. He has served on the board of directors of his NYC cooperative for the past 10 years and on various subcommittees at Fenway Golf Club. Amy has a seat on Fenway's board and is head of women’s golf. Jon has an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business. Jon has been actively involved with the new clubhouse committee. 1. Why do you want to become a member of the Board and what motivates you? I am primarily motivated by the desire for excellence in all aspects of my life. As my families’ life is now centered in Frenchman’s, I want to be active in what makes and keeps our community the premier com- munity in the Palm Beach/South Florida area. I am logical, not emotional by nature, and am therefore able to express myself as such, while being open and considerate to others’ ideas. I’ve always strived to be a thought leader and have never been intimidated by consensus or “groupthink” and work to advance ideas that are new and fresh—and will hopefully allow our community to innovate so that we remain the best community we can be. By the time we have our new board, Frenchman’s will have voted on the clubhouse. We will know if we are building a new, energy efficient state-of-the-art club house or renovat- ing the existing structure. Either way, I will do my best to see that the budget is adhered to and member questions and concerns are heard. I will also work to rebuild a divided community, advocate for transpar- ency and put the best interest of our members first. 2. What is your vision for the future of Frenchman’s Creek, and as a member of the Board, what specific action plans would you advocate for now to execute your vision? I believe in transparency and unbiased oversight of spending to eliminate unnecessary expenses, while still maintaining the high level of service our members expect. It is crucial to be on the cutting edge and to stay one step ahead of other clubs in order to maintain real estate values, bring in new members and keep our members here and happy. I would closely follow the new or renovated clubhouse planning and finances to ensure we stay, as best we can, on budget and the projected timeline. Energy efficiency is crucial, as is life expectancy of the buildings structure and I will advocate for that. It is important to be sensitive to those who have concerns about a project of this scale and I hope that by being transparent we can a alleviate some of their fears. I do feel, and make no apologies for, that as a relatively new 60 year-old member, I represent a point of view that has a 5 to 20 year, forward-thinking strategic view of this community and my vision and actions would reflect that long-term view, which is why I supported the new clubhouse. I believe this community is at a critical crossroad, where we need to do everything we can to embrace the new generation of young retirees that will flood this market in the coming years due, in large part, to technology and the ability to work remotely. Ultimately, I would strive to foster an atmosphere where all members can feel comfortable expressing their concerns, suggestions, knowledge and expertise with the board.

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