Newsletter February, 2016


Pickleball Club Please join us in celebrating the most exciting new sport at Frenchman’s Creek

Sunday, February 21 st 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The event features:

Pickleball Round Robin with Champagne on Ice, Bloody Maries, Assorted Bitesize Sandwiches Served Courtside. Please contact your Tennis Pro Shop for additional details and to sign-up at 561-622-1623. Reminder! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00 p.m. the Pickleball Club meets for social pickleball games. Everyone is welcome who would like to play a fun round; Ladies, men, singles, doubles, with or without team partner. Contact the Tennis Pro Shop to sign-up for play. First Annual Picklebal Tournament • Players can sign up with a team or as an individual. If you sign up as an individual you will be assigned to a team. Each team is required to have 2 players. • Teams play in the Men’s Group – Ladies Group and Mixed Doubles Group. • You have time to register until Monday, February 15 th . • FORMAT: This is a Drop Flight Tournament or a Round Robin depending on number of teams. All six Pickleball courts will be utilized for match play. The Tournament will be held on

Sunday, March 13 th 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

NOTE: Due to the limited number of demo paddles, we recommend that you have your own paddles, balls and proper shoes! The Tennis Pro Shop carries pickleball equipment such as paddles, balls and proper footwear as well. Any additional information, please contact the Tennis Pro Shop at (561) 622-1623.

Newsletter                16           February 2016

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