Thank you to all the talented Frenchman’s Creek members who are donating their artwork.
7KH )UHQFKPDQ¶V &UHHN )RXQGDWLRQ LV D QRQ SUR¿W FKDULWDEOH IRXQGDWLRQ FRPPLWHG WR WKH SKLORVRSK\ RI JLYLQJ EDFN WR WKH FRPPXQLWLHV RI 3DOP %HDFK *DUGHQV -XQR %HDFK DQG -XSLWHU 7KH )RXQGDWLRQ LV GHGLFDWHG WR UHQGHULQJ ¿QDQFLDO DQG LQ NLQG VXSSRUW WR RUJDQL]DWLRQV ZKRVH SXUSRVHV DUH WR SURYLGH FLYLF DQG FXOWXUDO SURJUDPV FRPPXQLW\ DQG VRFLDO VHUYLFHV DQG HGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDPV GHVLJQHG WR DVVLVW HQFRXUDJH DQG SURPRWH WKH ZHOO EHLQJ RI WKH residents and their communities. 2019 DESIGNATED BENEFICIARIES CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS Alzheimer’s Community Care Educational Support Group Allamanda School Fire Department Grove Park Elementary School Police Department Pathways to Independence Palm Beach Gardens High School Recreation Department JUPITER Busch Wildlife Sanctuary Connor Moran Children’s Cancer Foundation El Sol Furry Friends Jupiter Medical Center School of the Learning Center (Ernie Els) West Jupiter Community Center OTHER PALM BEACHES A.R.C. Epilepsy Foundation Jerome Golden Center &KDULW\ :HHNHQG LV DQ DQQXDO PXOWL GD\ RI H[FLWLQJ HYHQWV LQ WKH PRQWK RI 0DUFK WKDW UDLVHV VXSSRUW IRU ORFDO QRQ SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQV $FWLYLWLHV FDQ UDQJH IURP D VRIWEDOO JDPH WR D GRJ VKRZ WR D FDGG\ DXFWLRQ DQG PDQ\ PRUH LQ EHWZHHQ 7KHUH DUH DOZD\V PDQ\ JHQHURXV VSRQVRUV and volunteers from the community that take part in the festivities. The Frenchman's Creek Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation committed to the philosophy of giving back to the communities of Palm Beach Gardens, Juno Beach and Jupiter. The Foundation is dedicated to rendering financial and in-kind support to organizations whose purposes are to provide civic and cultural programs, community and social services, and educational programs designed to assist, encourage and promote the well-being of the residents and their communities. Charity Weekend is an annual multi-day of exciting events in the month of March that raises support for local non-profit organizations. Activities can range from a softball game to a dog show to a caddy auction and many more in between. There are always many generous sponsors and volunteers from th community that take part in the festivities. Wounded Veterans JUNO BEACH Loggerhead MarineLife
The Frenchman’s Creek Men’s Health Day event has donated the proceeds from its annual golf tournament to Jupiter Medical Center since 2007. The Men’s Health Day Golf Tournament, which now brings in more than $350,000 annually, celebrated thier most recent event with approximately 200 participating golfers and an increase in contributors. The proceeds raised went toward Frenchman’s Creek’s $1.5 million pledge to the Anderson Family Cancer Institute.
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