Dear Members, Welcome back! What a great time of the year it is; the weather hopefully will be turning a little cooler soon and many of your fellow members and friends have returned for the season. November is also a month in which we really kick off the season with many opening events. On Tuesday, November 2, the Frenchman’s Creek Ladies Golf Association will host their Opening Day golf event. The format will be a nine-hole event, in an A, B, C, D format. Following golf, the opening meeting and luncheon will be held on the driving range. On Wednesday, November 3, the Club will be hosting the Men’s Opening Day golf event. This is an A, B, C, D event with pairings made by the golf shop. This event is open to all men members of the Club and we will have both 18 hole and 9-hole divisions. Upon the conclusion of play, lunch we be served on the main range tee. The first Nine, Wine and Dine of the season will be held on Friday, November 5. This is a make-your-own-foursome event, and the format is scramble. Dinner options will be available following play. On Thursday, November 11, we will be holding our 4th annual Veteran’s day golf event. We have an 18 hole and 9-hole division. One hundred percent of the $125 entry fee will be donated to the Fisher House, which provides complimentary accommodations to family members that have a Veteran relative in the hospital. Checks should be made out to the West Palm Beach VA. Lunch and prizes will be distributed on the driving range, following play. DEMO DAYS On Thursday, November 4, we will be conducting a Callaway fitting day. Callaway will be introducing the Epic Max Star. On Thursday, November 15, XXIO will be conducting their fitting day. Hopefully you can join us for these exciting events, and as always, my door is open for suggestions and comments. Health and Happiness.
J.R. Congdon Director of Golf (561) 622-1620 jrcongdon@frenchmanscreek.com
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
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