• A seven (7) person “Selection Committee” would be chosen from the pool of members that are currently serving on one of the FC committees. We believe active members working on committees will have a good understanding of our community, its issues, and opportunities. The Board also recognizes that when choosing members for a Selection Committee, it must be without any politics or interference from members of the Board nor those appointed to committees by the Board. Therefore, existing Board members as well as any committee Chairs and Vice/Co Chairs will not be eligible to serve as voting members of the Selection Committee or have any influence in its ultimate composition. As with all committees at FC (including the Nominating Committee), a non-voting board liaison will be assigned to the Selection Committee. This non-voting Board member cannot be the President, be on the Executive Committee nor be running for re-election. • Current FC committees will be organized into seven (7) groups. Any committee member, other than Chairs and Vice/Co-Chairs, who would like to be on the Selection Committee would then put their name forward. Once all the names are submitted, one person from each group would be picked at random to be a member of the Selection Committee. The random selection eliminates any posturing or favoritism. Again, the basic premise is that a properly apportioned and impartially selected group of members that are currently serving on our various club committees would represent our club well in selecting a Nominating Committee. • At the same time as the Selection Committee is being established, an application would be sent to all members of the community to seek members who would like to be considered for the Nominating Committee. The Selection Committee would then review submitted applications and select 9 members to form the year’s Nominating Committee, plus three (3) alternates, with the goal of having these twelve (12) individuals be those who view the interests of the community as paramount and, as a group, reflect the diversity of our community. • Once the Nominating Committee is selected, they will carry out their duties as currently outlined in our By-Laws. Other than some timeline changes there are no proposed changes to how the Nominating Committee will operate. As in past years, an application for members seeking to become a member of the next Board will be sent to all members of the community and, as in past years, the Nominating Committee will interview the candidates and choose a slate of candidates to put forth to the Membership equal to the open Board slots. Florida law and our governance documents provide that any member can run by petition and our current rules are consistent with other clubs in our peer group. Then all candidates will present their qualifications and answer questions at a Meet the Candidates forum. One important timeline change is reducing the time between the Meet the Candidates forum and the final vote count from 5 weeks to 2 weeks, reducing the politics that can occur during that time. The vote will still be concluded on the third Saturday in March at the Annual Meeting. Summary The Board, the Strategic Planning Committee, the Governance Committee, and our strategic planning consultant, GGA, all believe the Nominating Committee selection process being presented here for a community vote is significantly better than our current process and we encourage all members to vote YES on these proposed changes.
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