

Dear Members,

on the situation. When taking free relief, it is the closest point of relief no nearer to the hole. In some circumstances the nearest point of relief may be in a bush or behind a tree, and it may be better to play the ball off the path]. On another note, I would like to kindly remind all the golfers, when playing a round, whether nine or eighteen holes, a score must be posted. The professional staff has been randomly reviewing some of the scoring records of many of our members, and surprisingly there were a few that have not posted a score since the pandemic started. Even though we shut down the handicap posting kiosk in the golf shop, scores can be posted on the GHIN app, or you can advise the golf staff of the scoring details and we will gladly post the score for you. In an effort to monitor the posting of scores, we will be implementing a software program that will interface with the Chelsea tee sheet and the GHIN handicapping system. The software program will review the end of day tee sheet, and compare it with the scoring record for that day. If a player is on the tee sheet, but they did not post a score, the software program will identify that player and send a notice to them and to the professional staff, kindly reminding the player that they played, but did not post a score. In order for the professional staff and the golf committee to conduct fair and equitable competitions, it is imperative, that all scores are posted. We look forward to seeing everyone soon and having a fun but yet competitive golfing season.

Over the past couple of years, the Golf and Green committees have been discussing the coquina aggregate areas on the golf course, and whether a golf ball coming to rest on these areas should be played as it lies, or if a player should be entitled to free relief. In an effort to help the committees make the appropriate decision on these areas, the professional staff contacted the United States Golf Association for their opinion. The USGA did a Google Earth review of the areas in question, and they determined that these areas should be considered as immovable obstruction under the abnormal playing conditions (Rule 16), and that a player should be entitled to free and complete relief. The Golf and Green committees decided to follow the USGA’s recommendation, and effective October 1st, these areas will be deemed immovable obstructions, and the player will be entitled to free relief, if they so choose. The only area that the USGA struggled deciding on was the expansive coquina area to the left of the 12th green North, and to the left of the 14th fairway north. They felt it would be very difficult for a player to determine the nearest point of relief no nearer to the hole, because the area was so large. To help define this area, and to make determining the nearest point of relief easier, Wes Dillard and his team installed sod in this area. Now, there is a defined cart path (immovable obstruction) on both 12 and 14 North, which should help in identifying the nearest relief. Additionally, it’s now easier to take a drop from the immovable obstruction (Cart Path) to the right of the 15th green north. Again, Wes and his team did a masterful job of sliding the cart path a few feet to the left, closer to the green, thus creating a nice level area to take a drop, if so desired. [Keep in mind that it is not mandatory to take relief from these areas, and in some cases, it may be to the players advantage to not take relief, depending

J.R. Congdon Director of Golf jcongdon@frenchmanscreek.com 561-622-1620


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