07-25-19 - BOARD BOOK

CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AD HOC COMMITTEE: Mr. Stanfield, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, reported that the preconstruction services, auditor and landscape/hardscape design contracts have been approved by the committee. He further reported that the committee formally selected Glidden/Spina as the architect of record and is in the final stages of negotiations on that contract. Mr. Stanfield then reported that a question arose regarding commercial licensing requirements for designers/decorators in the State of Florida and stated that efforts are being made to resolve this matter with Pembrooke & Ives. If the matter cannot be resolved then negotiations will proceed with the second choice designer/decorator Clive Daniel. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Mr. Goswami, Executive Director, reported on the overall operations of the Club, various items in his written report. He then provided an update on the status of the north golf course project to repair the collars, bunkers and tees and the replacement efforts for the executive chef position. PRIVATE PARTY REQUESTS: Mr. Goswami presented ten (10) private party requests for review and approval. After discussion, Mr. Spitalny made a motion “to approve the ten (10) new private party requests, as submitted.” Mr. Bernstein seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. NEW MEMBERSHIPS: The following five (5) new membership applications were submitted for perusal: (1) Michael & Roslyn Nissman (3326 Degas Drive), (2) Dale & Janet Steinback (13590 Verde Drive), (3) Randall Lindquist (3651 Toulouse Drive), (4) Lawrence & Hope Kessler (13324 Verdun Drive), (5) Stephen & Patricia Ackerman (13789 Le Harve Drive). SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING: Mr. Slepkow reported the next Board meeting to be held on Thursday, September 19, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. A notice will be sent to the community advising of the meeting. WATERFRONT COMMITTEE: Mr. Polselli stated that a Waterfront Committee will be appointed in accordance with the waterfront homeowners’ agreement. Meetings will be scheduled in the fall to address waterfront matters. GOLF CART SAFETY AD HOC COMMITTEE: Mr. Barham, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, reported that a committee has been appointed and the first meeting will be held in the fall. Safety recommendations will be presented to the Board at a future meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board went into executive session at 1:44 p.m. to discuss legal and collection matters. The Board adjourned executive session at 2:00 p.m.

BUDGET REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE: Mr. Selzer reported on continued efforts of the subcommittee to review the operating budgets with the goal of reducing costs without compromising member services. He stated that Mr. Konigsberg, Chair of the Subcommittee, is in the process of preparing a report, which will be presented to the Board at a future meeting.


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