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• Temperature taking will be mandatory when members enter the Sports Bar and the Beach Club for dinner. • Table seating will be limited to 4 people. Tables for 6 will be limited to family mem- bers only. • “Table hopping” will not be permitted. • In any food and beverage outlet (absent a legal exception), all members must wear facial coverings except while actively con- suming food and/ or drink. This means you must wear facial coverings when entering, exiting, or visiting the restroom. Members must maintain 6 feet of social distancing whenever possible, including when waiting for tables. • By order of Palm Beach County, facial cov- erings must be worn when entering any public facility, including the clubhouse and any dining venues. Members who feel ill or, as a result of undergoing a Covid test due to symptoms or possible exposure, are not permitted to utilize any club amenities (golf, tennis, Beach Club, or dining venues) until they receive a negative test result. Sanitary procedures (fogging, UV lights, etc.) in the clubhouse will remain in full force and all clubhouse and outdoor staff will be re- quired to wear masks at all times and observe social distancing. All staff including seasonal employees have been encouraged to quar- antine when necessary and be tested for the Covid-19 virus. everyone to stay safe and remember: • Wear facial covering at all times when in a public space. • Avoid close contact with people. • Cover your mouth and nose when cough- ing or sneezing. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. • CONTINUOUS HAND WASHING THROUGHOUT THE DAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO TO STOP THE SPREAD OF INFEC- TION. The Medical Advisory Committee urges
CLUBHOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE UPDATE (Michael Azeez, Chair): Both the New and Renovation Subcom- mittees are working to finalize their designs. The Temporary Facilities Subcommittee is working to analyze the use of a shell that could be part of a spa expansion and the use of traditional tents and trailers or both, depending on costs and timing. There are many moving parts, but the Oversight Committee will have a plan to pre- sent to the community in the Fall that will allow the community to make an informed decision. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE UPDATE (Larry Kleinberg, Chair): Mr. Kleinberg, Chair of the Committee to Study Development of the Common Area Lots, made an informative presentation of the po- tential lots for home development. After the presentation, it was suggested that due to the importance of the information presented, that another meeting be scheduled to give the Board more time to discuss and consider the matter. FINANCE REPORT (Jonathan Nelson, Chair): For the first month of the fiscal year end- ed May 31, 2020, the Community had a posi- tive variance compared to budget of $58K. The Club and POA income were favorable to budget by $6K and $52K, respectively. While both the Main Clubhouse and the Beach Club were shut down for almost all of May due to the pandemic and Food & Beverage revenues were limited to take out, food services contin- ued to be popular with revenues of over $240K. Other savings factors such as limiting overtime, lower costs for member services and timing for POA projects contributed to the association’s successful month. During the month of May, two homes were sold to new members and in June we had three additional sales to new members. We currently have four sales with contracts pending to new members . . . off to a very good start in the new fiscal year! NEW MEMBERSHIPS:
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