06-16-23.PRESIDENT'S REPORT.Issue 3


President’s Report

Michael Azeez, President

June 16, 2023 — Issue 3

Dear Fellow Members, Summer is officially here...hoping yours is off to a good start. Things have quieted down now that many members have returned to their northern residences. Although we are skipping our June 20th Board meeting, the Board will meet again on July 25th. In the meantime, I wanted to give you a brief update on activities continuing at Frenchman's Creek through the summer. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: The construction project for the new clubhouse is moving along with multiple concrete pours for the foundations. The Construction Committee is finalizing a number of value engineering items and they will have a fuller report in July. We have had some weather related delays, but the construction company is making it up with a Saturday schedule. STRATEGIC PLANNING: There will be a presentation from GGA on June 28 th to review the community survey results. Look for an upcoming invite to participate. The Strategic Planning Committee is moving forward with building out the Strategic Plan. FINANCIAL MATTERS: Our May numbers where favorable to budget. We still have some challenges with the number of covers in the Pavilion and management is looking to reduce costs where feasible.

JOIN US...as we wish a fond farewell to a few of our retiring senior management on Wednesday, June 28th at the Pavilion from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.!

◼ Michael Chesnovitz, Director of Finance ◼ Ernesto Cervantes, Executive Chef ◼ Wes Dillard, Director of GCM ◼ Gonzalo Navarro, Director of Operations

In closing, I wish all of you a safe and enjoyable summer.

Michael Azeez President

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