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5. Elevate the Work of the Committees. In- crease the visibility and impact of our member committees. Develop shared committee and staff goals with results measured at the end of the year. Set up committee focused “Meet the Presidents” so that Members can share their ideas with committee chairs. Create member surveys that will give management and the Board a broader view of what Members would like in regard to various aspects of our daily life at Frenchman’s Creek. (Committee Chairs and Committee Members, Board Liaisons, Technol- ogy, Marketing/Communications). 6. Highly Functioning Board. Operate as one Board as we work on many different topics to- gether. (All Board Members) . 7. Long Term Plan Execution. Building on the Club’s Long-Term 10 Year Projects Plan, bol- stered by future member surveys, and taking into account our past strategic plan, the Club Management and the Board will work on mov- ing the most important Club projects forward. (Club Management, Board Members, Finance, Engineering, Legal, Governance, ARB, Exter- nal Affairs) . RENOVATION CLUBHOUSE AD HOC COMMITTEE UPDATE Mr. Schulweis, Chair of the Clubhouse Ad Hoc Committee reported that the Commit- tee has been steadily working to review and approve the many key professional contracts needed to complete the substantial renovation of our Clubhouse. After a discussion, the Board gave the Committee the authority to approve contracts up to $150,000 with larger contracts needing Board approval. At each Board meet- ing, the committee will provide a monthly report to the Board providing a comparative analysis of variances from the cost budget and will also discuss current timing vs. the original projected time to complete. Initial inspection and deter- mination of the early demolition project has been completed and demolition is expected to commence in June. Schematic design, early demo permit drawings and final site plans are all moving in concert with the original timeta- ble. The inspection of mold conditions in the areas that will not be renovated have been concluded and remedial steps are being formu-
The Board discussed accelerating two projects on the Long-Term Projects Plan —the Golf Course Maintenance Area and the Road Remediation. The goal is for both projects to be accomplished over the next two years. Re- search and planning have begun and bids will be solicited for the golf course maintenance ar- ea. The road remediation project will be com- pleted in stages and current bids received will be considered. The Capital Budget Subcommit- tee will begin meeting to work on these projects. BOARD GOALS FOR THE COMING YEAR The Board Goals will be discussed throughout the year, including how the goals will be measured and how the various committees will be incorporated in the process: 1. Clubhouse Project. Ensure completion of a beautiful renovation that comes in on time and on budget. (Ad Hoc Clubhouse Committee, Technology). 2. Member Services during Construction. Un- der Mr. Goswami’s leadership, and with the sup- port of his management team, ensure that Mem- bers are well taken care of during the construc- tion process. (Club Management, Ad Hoc Tem- porary Facilities, Food & Beverage, Golf, Ten- nis, Fitness, Entertainment, and New Member Relations (The Link)). 3. Bringing our Community Together. Bring our new and existing Members together and en- courage socialization. Have a fun year! (Club Management, New Member Relations (The Link), Entertainment, Golf, Tennis, Fitness, Food & Beverage, Charities Weekend, Women for Scripps, Men’s Health Day). 4. Increased Transparency. Create an open line of communication between the Board and Members to allow for more transparency both to and from the Board. (Board President and Board Members, Technology, Marketing/ Communications).
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