05-05-23.PRESIDENT'S REPORT..Electronic Copy.Issue 1


President’s Report

Michael Azeez, President

May 05, 2023 — Issue 1

Dear Fellow Members, It's hard to believe our current season is coming to an end, but once again we are bidding farewell to the 2022 - 23 season in true Frenchman ’ s style. We had a fantastic closing party at the driving range, with 314 members in attendance. A special shout out to our F&B staff for a great job on the food and to our Entertainment Committee for the terrific live music.

BOARD MEETING & RETREAT HIGHLIGHTS Your Board just completed its two - day Board Retreat with the April Board meeting sandwiched in the midst of it. It was two long days, but very productive. We had very engaged and focused conversations on what was presented. The focus of our retreat was a review of the survey results (with our strategic planning consultants GGA Partners participating in the discussion) as we work toward the development of a strategic plan for the Club. Thanks to all who participated. We will be send ing out the survey results to you as we continue to work on the development of the Strategic Plan over the next couple of months. STRATEGIC PLANNING SURVEY We received 588 completed surveys, representing 67% of households. The level of response gives us very high confidence in the validity of the results. It was a very comprehensive survey and imparted a lot of data for us to analyze. Some of the highlights l'd like to share are as follows: ◼ Most members want to see the club maintain a "first class" club experience and spend the necessary funds in a prudent manner. ◼ Members had high marks for the Beach Club and Golf experience. ◼ Areas where we fell short of expectations were the F&B program at the Main Club, as well as the Board and Management.

2023/2024 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Officers Michael Azeez, President Ellen Malasky, 1st Vice President Robert Annunziata, 2nd Vice President Robert Scherer, 3rd Vice President

Herbert Selzer, Treasurer Jeffrey Parker, Secretary

Board Members Stephen Cohen

Diane Exter Martin Krall Jill Kremer

Jeffrey Maurer Jon Mayblum Carey Pack Gale Salz Harvey Schulweis

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What are we going to do to address the issues identified? This will require both short and long term solutions. A few examples follow: ◼ We have a new Executive Chef starting this summer who we believe will significantly elevate the culinary experience. ◼ We are shifting from a reliance on contract labor (aka day labor) in our kitchens to an emphasis on full - time employees, which will enable us to elevate staff training and performance. ◼ On the Board front, we will be developing a Board Policy Manual which will clearly lay out the Board ’ s responsibilities. I hope to increase the frequency of Board communica tions, so you know what and why we are doing certain things. Management is keenly aware that it needs more interaction with the membership, and we are currently filling crucial roles within the management structure. OPERATING BUDGET At the Board meeting, we passed the Operating Budget for the 2023 - 24 fiscal year. I can say with certainty that the process was exhaustive and open; our finance subcommittee met with each of our operating managers to review their budgets line by line. The Operating Budget Subcommittee, led by Herb Selzer, worked diligently on the project. The end result will be an increase in our dues of 13.2%. The email you have received separately from Miles details the factors driving cost increases and explains our plans to minimize the impact of increases while ensuring that we are meeting the needs of the community. It is an understatement to say that we as a Board were not happy with the degree of the increase, but we find it necessary in order to run the club effectively and provide the membership with the experience they have expressed they want. Additionally, it ’ s important to note that our club dues are in line with other comparable clubs. Where we differ, it ’ s important keep in mind is that the size of our community and breadth of

services we provide means we spread our fixed costs over a smaller number of homes versus other clubs. There is a basic management structure needed to run the operation. We also have a Beach Club facility that affects our cost structure. Our low density and our Beach Club are also two of our greatest assets and this shows up in the survey results. One area where fees are significantly higher compared to other clubs is in our POA. It is difficult to com pare our fees to other clubs as we bundle many of the services into one fee, whereas other clubs charge separate fees in different areas. We have asked management to do a study so we can provide more detail and explanation. NEW CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT The Clubhouse construction project is moving along. During the first week of May, we will be doing the first concrete pour for the building footings. The team continues to work on realiz ing value engineering items, securing subcon tractors, and ordering long - lead - time items. We have a lot of work in front of us to complete the various projects and processes to improve our service levels. Rome wasn't built in a day, but we are heading in the right direction. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The proposed Committee Chairs were ap proved by the Board for the 2023/2024 season. (see the list of Committee Chairs on Page 3). Some of the changes this year include: adding an Activities Committee, combining the Golf & Greens Committees, discontinuing the Engineering, Insurance, Technology and Medical Advisory Ad Hoc Committees and the Link Committee changing its name to Creek Connection Committee. The Committee Chairs have finalized their selections. If you have any questions regarding the committee process, please contact Linda George in the POA office. Click here to view the 2023 - 2024 Budget Message from Miles Tucker, COO/ED

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IN CLOSING ... I look forward to catching up with everyone when another Frenchman ’ s season kicks off in the fall. In the meantime, I want to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable summer, whether you ’ ll be traveling or enjoying another peaceful off season at the Club.

Michael Azeez President

Standing Committees


Kim Winn, Chair / Linda Pack, Vice Chair Eric Wolf, Chair / Robert Smolens, Vice Chair Herb Selzer, Chair / Bill Glassman & Rich Fentin, Co - Vice Chairs Shelley Parker, Chair / Marcia Levy, Vice Chair



Governance Grievance

Mark Jacobs, Chair

Peter Berkley, Chair / Barbara Ilsen, Vice Chair


On the following Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom 2023 2023-2024 Board Meetings

Strategic Planning Ellen Malasky, Chair

Operating Committees


Paul Mendez, Chair

Laurie Comiteau, Chair / Judy Cosentino, Vice Chair Herb Glatt, Chair / Michael Eigner, Vice Chair Melanie Shulman & Karen Allen, Co - Chairs / Nancy Citrin, Lesley Koeppel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Vice Chairs



Creek Connection (formerly Link)

May 23 June 20 July 25 August 22 September 26 October 24 November 28 December 19 2024 January 23 February 27 March 26 April 23

External Affairs

Jeffrey Tauber & Jane Feinstein, Co - Chairs

Fitness MaryLou Cocci, Chair / Bobby Vilensky, Vice Chair Food & Beverage Ellen Levine, Chair / Jane Tauber, Vice Chair Golf & Greens David Rosenblatt, Chair / Gil Hollander, Vice Chair Marketing/ Communications Todd Krasnow, Chair

Glenn Greenberg, Chair / Russell Fuchs, Vice Chair Mark Levine, Chair / Kerry Iris & Karen Allen, Vice Chairs


Racquet Sports

Charity Committees

Donna Smolens, Chair / Amy Hollander, Vice Chair, Patti Raber Max, Emeritus

Charity Weekend

Women UF Scripps Biomedical Research


Men ’ s Health Day Bernie Herman & Stephen Weinberg, Co - Chairs

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Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club 13495 Tournament Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 62 7 -6200

Property Owners’ Association 13699 Tournament Drive (561) 627-1467

Beach Club 400 Celestial Way Juno Beach, FL 33408 (561) 624-3400


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