Ad Hoc Committees
NEW CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION Harvey Schulweis, Chairperson
Michael Azeez Bruce Malasky Jeffrey Stanfield
This year has been a very productive one regarding the advance of the project to build a new clubhouse. The community has responded with a resounding majority support for the project and for the revised estimated cost reflecting the impact of inflation on our budget over the past twelve months. We have engaged Proctor Construction as our gen eral contractor under a Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract and will be working with Gaudet Associ ates as our owner ’ a representative and Peacock & :Lewis as our architects. The Committee is hard at work overseeing the project and participates in scheduled meetings involving the consultants we have engaged.
The timetable we have established provides for a completion of the main building and parking areas during the spring of 2025 and the completed site work and removal of temporary facilities in the fall. We are very confident that the process and timetable are appropriate and we remain excited about enjoying a beautiful new clubhouse that we deserve and will enjoy for many years to come.
Harvey Schulweis, Chair New Clubhouse Ad Hoc Committee
MEDICAL ADVISORY Dr. Stewart Friedman, Co - Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Carter, Co - Chairperson
Dr. Mark Cooper Dr. Melvin Dinner Dr. Avroy Fanaroff Dr. Peter Feinstein
Dr. Howard Hoffman Dr. Mark Levine Dr. Beno Michel Dr. Merle Monsein Rose
The Medical Advisory Committee was formed in 2020 to advise the Board and Management on how to keep our community as safe as possible during the height of the Covid pandemic. We, as a commu nity, owe our thanks to Stewart Friedman, Beno Michel, Peter Feinstein, Avroy Fanaroff, Howard Hoffman, Mark Levine, and Mel Dinner, who worked tirelessly and successfully on this effort for over 2 years. Happily the threat has subsided. Over the last year, we began to explore other ways the Committee could add value to the community. We expanded the Committee to include Merle Mon
sein Rose and Mark Cooper. We provided infor mation to the community on the emergency services available at Frenchman ’ s as well as information on hospitals in the area if emergency transport is need ed. We began to explore if there is potential interest in a mini - speakers series on relevant healthcare and lifesciences topics.
Dr. Stewart Friedman and Dr. Jennifer Carter, Co - Chairs Medical Advisory Ad Hoc Committee
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