3-5 6-15
POA Dining & Social Beach Club Event Calendar Golf Tennis Fitness and Spa Marketing Security
Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club 13495 Tournament Drive Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 (561) 622-8300 Frenchman’s Creek Beach Club 400 Celestial Way Juno Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 624-3400 www.frenchmanscreek.com
16-17 18-19 20-22 23-24 25-30 31-33 34-35
PLEASE REMEMBER to lock your doors and set your security alarm anytime you leave the house and retire in the evening.
Protection and peace of mind is at your fingertips. Please don’t leave your home vulnerable, protect it and your loved ones by setting your alarm. Many homeowners keep their security system set at all times. This is the best practice recommended by security experts. Remember to Set Your Alarm!
Hotwire service phone: 800-355-5668 We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
8 Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
12 Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
14 Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
4 Easter Easter Brunch BC Easter Brunch
6 Ladies Field Day
Easter Dinner at Sports Bar and Bistro 19
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 13 Ladies Field Day
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 12 Nat. Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
Club Brunch Beach Club Brunch
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner
20 Ladies Golf Closing Nat. Pineapple Upside Down Cake Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Peter Luger Style Specials Beach Club Dinner 27 Ladies Field Day Nat. Prime Rib Day
Club Brunch Beach Club Brunch
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner 25 Club Brunch Beach Club Brunch
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
ril 2021
2 Mobile Cigar Club Virtual Flavor Festival
Foreign Film
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 8 Charity Weekend Silent Auction Bag Drop After Dark The Masters Kick-Off Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 9 Charity Weekend Silent Auction Mobile Cigar Club Virtual Flavor Festival Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 16 Mobile Cigar Club Virtual Flavor Festival Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 23 Mobile Cigar Club Virtual Flavor Festival Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Peter Luger Style Specials Beach Club Dinner 30 Mobile Cigar Club Virtual Flavor Festival
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner 10 Charity Weekend Silent Auction
7 Men’s Day Charity Weekend Silent Auction
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
15 Foreign Film
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
21 Men’s Day
Foreign Film Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Peter Luger Style Specials Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Peter Luger Style Specials Beach Club Dinner
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Peter Luger Style Specials Beach Club Dinner
28 Men’s Day
Foreign Film Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner BC Lobster Night
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner BC Lobster Night
Sports Bar Dinner Bistro 19 Dinner Beach Club Dinner
April 2021
Dear Members,
As we enter into April, I feel that we have managed to salvage what has been a very challenging season. Even though we had to constantly change the tournament schedule, we were able to hold all of our major championships.
I would like to recap and congratulate our newly crowned Club Champions:
On the men’s side, Mr. Dale Steinback successfully defended his title and narrowly defeated Mr. Marty Rosenman in a very tight match. On the ladies’ side, Mrs. Denise Martorana defeated Mrs. Linda Robins to earn her first Club Championship here at Frenchman’s Creek. Other flight winners in the Men’s Division were Mr. Richard Fentin in the first flight, Mr. Attilio Petrocelli in the second flight for the third year in a row, and Dr. Bruce Levy in the third flight. In the ladies’ division, the first flight winner was Mrs. Leslie Skolnick. We capped off Championship week with anointing the 2021 Couples Champion. The gross champions were Dick and Wendi Adler, and the net champions are Gloria Herman and Gab Licko. I want to congratulate all those that participated for having the courage to compete, and more importantly, for their good sportsmanship and golf etiquette. To all: well done! Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Jeffery Parker for his service as Golf Committee Chairman for the past several years. Under Mr. Parker’s watch, I think much has been accomplished. We restarted and sold out the 2-day Men’s Member guest after a 10-year hiatus, we started the Veteran’s Day golf event, which has grown to over 200 participants in just 3 years; successfully launched the world handicap system, implemented the most comprehensive rule changes in over 20 years, and grew participation in all golf events year over year. Thank you, Mr. Parker, for always being available to talk through issues and give guidance when asked. I would also like to thank our outside staff for all the hard work that they have put in this very difficult season. Without their effort and commitment, we would not have been able to enjoy a successfull season. All eleven have secured jobs for the summer, but sadly a couple of them will not be returning in the fall as their Visas have expired. We wish them the best of luck, they all have very bright futures.
Health and Happiness,
J.R. Congdon Director of Golf (561) 622-1620 jrcongdon@frenchmanscreek.com
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
26 Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
28 Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
April 2021
Prepare early for HURRICANE SEASON
• Should you need to evacuate, prepare a “go kit” with personal items you cannot do without during an emergency. Include items that can help protect yourself and others from COVID-19, such as hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, bar or liquid soap, disinfectant wipes (if available) and two masks for each person. Masks should not be used by children under the age of 2. They also should not be used by people having trouble breathing, or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove the mask without assistance. • Find a safe place to shelter and have several ways to receive weather alerts, such as National Weather Service cell phone alerts, NOAA Weather Radio, or (@NWS) Twitter alerts. • Find out if your local public shelter is open, in case you need to evacuate your home and go there. Your shelter location may be different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. • If you need to go to a disaster shelter, follow CDC recommendations for staying safe and healthy in a public disaster shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic. • Follow guidance from your local public health or emergency management officials for when and where to shelter. • Make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pets. Find out if your disaster shelter will accept pets. Typically, when shelters accommodate pets, they are housed in a separate area from people.
• Your planning may be different this year because of the need to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. • Give yourself more time than usual to prepare your emergency food, water, and medicine supplies. Home delivery is the safest choice for buying disaster supplies; however, that may not be an option for everyone. If in-person shopping is your only choice, take steps to protect yourself and others’ health when running essential errands. • Limit in-person visits to the pharmacy. Sign up for mail order delivery, or call in your prescription ahead of time and use drive-through windows or curbside pickup, if available. • Pay attention to local guidance about updated plans for evacuations and shelters, including shelters for your pets. • When you check on neighbors and friends, be sure to follow social distancing recommendations (staying at least 6 feet from others) and other CDC directives to protect yourself and others.
Frenchman’s Creek Newsletter
• Follow safety precautions when using transportation to evacuate. If you have to travel away from your community to evacuate, follow safety precautions for travelers to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. If you will be staying with friends or family outside your household to evacuate from the storm: • Talk to the people you plan to stay with about how you can protect yourselves from COVID-19. • Consider if either of your households has someone who is at higher risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19, including older adults or people of any age who have underlying medical conditions. Make sure everyone knows what they can do to keep them safe from COVID-19. • Follow everyday preventive actions, including covering your mouth while coughing and sneezing, washing your hands often, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Consider taking extra precautions for people living in close quarters. • Plan what to do if someone in your family or in the household you are staying with becomes sick with COVID-19. STAYNG WITH FRIENDS OR FAMILY
In addition to following guidance for staying safe and healthy after a hurricane, note that: • You should continue to follow preventive actions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, like washing your hands and wearing a mask during cleanup or when returning home. • It may take longer than usual to restore power and water if they are out. Take steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning if you use a generator. • If you are injured or ill, contact your medical provider for treatment recommendations. Keep wounds clean to prevent infection. Remember, accessing medical care may be more difficult than usual during the pandemic. • Dealing with disasters can cause stress and strong emotions, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is natural to feel anxiety, grief, and worry. Coping with these feelings and getting help when you need it will help you, your family, and your community recover. • People with preexisting mental health conditions should continue with their treatment and be aware of new or worsening symptoms. Additional information can be found at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration page (www.samhsa.gov). • After a hurricane, it’s not unusual for rats, mice, and other pests to try to get into your home or building. Be aware that with restaurant and commercial closures related to COVID-19, there are already reports of increased rodent activity as they try to seek other sources of food. Follow recommendations for keeping pests out of your home. STAY SAFE AFTER A HURRICANE
April 2021
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