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CLUBHOUSE RENOVATION UPDATE Harvey Schulweis, Chair of the Club- house Ad Hoc Committee, announced that the committee would consist of himself, Mi- chael Azeez, Jeffrey Stanfield, Patricia Fisher and myself as ex-officio. Bruce Malasky has since been added. The committee’s work will be completed in two phases. • Phase One will include review and approv- al of contracts with the various profession- als, completion of a final site plan and ar- chitectural design drawings and bid docu- ments, monitoring the permitting and ap- proval process with the necessary munici- pal agencies, and finally a thorough bid process resulting in a GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price). After discussions with the professionals and management, the com- mittee is evaluating early demolition of parts of the building to permit the profes- sionals to increase their early knowledge of the building with the goal of reducing costs and speeding up the timeline. This will allow the drawings to anticipate areas which might reveal unusual conditions. • Phase Two of the Committee’s responsibil- ity will be to oversee the construction and decorating/design processes through completion and occupancy. The current expected occupancy of our substantially renovated building is in the fourth quarter of 2023. • The Clubhouse Ad Hoc Committee will continue to report on the progress of the project at all future Board meetings through both Phase One and Phase Two.
COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE LETTERS As some of you know, two ugly letters were recently circulated in our community. These anonymous letters were completely unac- ceptable. Our board unanimously renounces the letters, and the Club is actively investigating their source. For nearly three years our community dis- cussed and debated options for our clubhouse. On February 17th the membership voted for the Substantial Renovation Plan. The board unani- mously agreed to support whichever choice the membership made, and we are moving for- ward with the implementation of the Substantial Renovation, which will be beautiful when it is completed. Frenchman’s is a vibrant, healthy com- munity of 1,000+ professional, charitable and family oriented adults who choose to live in this remarkable and unique community. Let’s turn down the volume, ignore (and not pass on) let- ters that are meant to hurt or disparage others and put our efforts into strengthening the won- derful community that we live in. In closing —I would like to wish everyone hap- py holidays. I hope you are enjoying this time with your family and friends in good health. I look forward to speaking to many of you in the coming months.
Sincerely, Diane Exter Diane Exter President President@Frenchmanscreek.com
April 22 May 20 June 24
September 23 (tentative)
October 21 November 18 December 16
July 22 (tentative) August 26 (tentative)
Please look for the Zoom links in your email, prior to each meeting.
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